"Leaders have relentlessly inproved the quality of teaching across the school, always expecting the very best from their teachers and not accepting anything less than that"
Ofsted 2016
A Message From the Headteacher
I am delighted to welcome you to what is almost a new Cowley Hill School. In the last two years Cowley Hill has undergone a considerable transformation the culmination of which is our current pristine building which is located on an extensive and most attractive site. We are proud of our thriving, popular and successful school.
We are equally proud of the very strong ethos of our school which permeates through everything we do and is commented on by all who visit us. The children at Cowley Hill are interested and are a pleasure to teach. Our fundamental aim is to create the environment in which children want to learn, enjoy learning and are rightly proud of their efforts. Our ultimate aim is for the children to become independent, confident, high achieving learners and self-determining, responsible adults.
We hope that when you visit you will be impressed and, once you join us, you will find it a positive, exciting, sometimes challenging but always rewarding experience.
We hope that this website will answer many of your questions about who we are and what we do, but please remember that there is no substitute for a visit. So please come and meet us all and experience for yourselves the warmth of a Cowley Hill welcome.
Jon Hood