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Cowley Hill Primary School

Geography at Cowley Hill


  • Knowledge-rich curriculum with carefully sequenced learning
  • Builds comprehensive understanding of the world over time
  • Develops both knowledge and skills progressively
  • Fosters curiosity about physical and human geography
  • Aims for pupils to understand local area, UK, and wider world connections by Year 6

Implementation: The curriculum focuses on four key areas:

  1. Location Knowledge:
  • Covers local area, UK, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, and South America
  • Teaches global positioning concepts (latitude, longitude, hemispheres)
  • Examines how geographical characteristics change over time
  1. Place Knowledge:
  • Studies continents, countries, towns, and cities
  • Identifies physical features like mountains, rivers, and volcanoes
  • Develops map and atlas skills
  1. Human and Physical Geography:
  • Physical aspects: climate zones, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, biomes
  • Human aspects: settlements, land use, economic activity, natural resources
  1. Geographical Skills:
  • Uses maps, atlases, globes, and digital mapping
  • Teaches compass points and grid references
  • Develops fieldwork skills using various methods and technologies

The curriculum emphasises practical understanding through questions like "What is it like to live in this place?" and "How have people changed this landscape over time?"

