Statutory Information


From the 1st September 2012, all schools are legally required to provide certain resources and information on their website. This page has been carefully designed to provide Cowley Hill Primary School's information for you in one central area. Most, if not all, of our legally required information can be located in other places on our website too.


School Contact Details

Cowley Hill Primary School

Winstre Road





Tel: 0208 953 2218

Fax: 0208 236 0174


Main contact: Karen Scott - School Business Manager

Admission arrangements

Click here to view our admission arrangements


Curriculum Information

Click here to view curriculum information for each year group. You can also find further information about individual year groups via our classes tab, where you can select your child's year group.



Charging and Remission

Click here to view our charging and remission policy


Equality Scheme

Click here to view our equality scheme

Our most recent Ofsted report

Our most recent KS1 and KS2 results


Click here to access our most recent results.


Performance tables

Click here to access the school performance tables.

Click here to access the school and college performance table service 


Information about pupil behaviour

At Cowley Hill the behaviour of our pupils is excellent. To view our behaviour policy, please click here for a link to our policies page where you need to select 'Behaviour'.  


Pupil Premium

Click here to view our pupil premium information page.   


PE and Sport Premium

Click here to view our PE and Sports Premium information.  


SEND report

Cowley Hill is an inclusive school where supporting all children is our primary aim. Those children with Special Educational Needs are provided with the additional resources and support necessary and outside agencies are involved when appropriate.

Soniya Dass is the school SEN Co-ordinator for Cowley Hill Primary School and oversees the provision and progression of all children with SEN. Maximum progress and development is achieved when all three parties involved (school, parents and children)work together.


SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision) 

SEN Information Report


Governors' Information and Duties

Click here to view our Staff and governor page, where you can find information about our Governors.  


Values and Ethos

Click here to view our Values and Ethos page.  


Requests for Copies of Information

If you would like paper copies of any of the information from our school website, please contact the office.