Homework is an important part of your child's learning. Read the information below and click on the links to find out more about how we set and support homework at Cowley Hill and what you can do to help your child. Click here to view our home learning policy to find out more information.
We have a Homework Help Club every Monday from 12:00 – 12:30 where children can get extra help with their homework. Children can choose to attend this club as and when they need or want to. The adults working with your child might suggest they attend if they think they would benefit from some extra help.
Please remember, the Homework Help Club is not ‘instead of’ doing homework with an adult at home. Your child will need to show that they have ‘had a go’ at their homework. This is for extra help and support as needed for those children who are unsure about their homework.
Children do not have to ‘sign-up’ for the club and can attend as needed. Staff supervising this club will write HC on the homework that a child has received help with and will keep a ‘register’ of those who attend.
Children who do not hand in their homework on a Wednesday, or who hand homework of an unacceptable standard (eg: no effort, very messy), will be directed to attend Homework Supervision. They will not have a choice about attending this session and will have to ‘sign in’ on arrival.
Homework Supervision is on Wednesdays from 12:00- 12:30. If your child has been directed to Homework Supervision, you will receive a letter with a tear off slip for you to complete and send back to school.
If your child is sent to Homework Supervision three times, the school will contact you to discuss what we can do to help you to help your child do their homework.