The primary years are of the utmost importance and we believe that children’s strengths and needs should be acknowledged and supported. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (for
Nursery and Reception) is organised in six themed areas connected to child development. The National Curriculum is followed for Years 1-6 through a creative topic based curriculum which covers literacy, history, geography, art, DT and ICT skills. Separate literacy, mathematics, science, RE, music, PSCHE and French (Years 3-6) lessons are taught where the skills cannot be included in the topic. Phonics are taught through Read Write Inc in Key Stage 1.
Due allowance is made for the age, development, maturity and ability of individual children.
Click on the links below to view the long term plans for each year group for 2020-2021. Further information about the curriculum covered at Cowley Hill is available half termly in the form of
Curriculum Maps - Topic Webs. These can be found in the Classes pages, together with more detailed information about the new maths curriculum.
Please click on the link for the national curriculum for England guidance.